機械部品調達のAIプラットフォーム「meviy」meviyデジタルマニュファクチュアリングシステム初公開<English Follows> プレスリリース
株式会社ミスミmeviy – メビー公式YouTubeチャンネル https://youtu.be/xhzITpO-jDQ?si=rVrX1uHbWTbJxFSF
ミスミグループはこれまで800垓(1兆の800億倍)の製品バリエーションを生産し短納期を可能とする「ミスミ生産方式※3」を構築、運用してきました。こうした取り組みに対し2014年度GOOD FACTORY賞(2014年7月)では「ものづくりプロセス革新賞」を受賞※4しています。
※3 「ミスミ生産方式」
ミスミコーポレートサイト>メーカー事業 https://www.misumi.co.jp/about/business.html
※4 プレスリリース 「駿河生産プラットフォーム 日本能率協会GOOD FACTORY賞を受賞」(2014年7月31日付)https://www.misumi.co.jp/assets/doc/ir/news/news_140731.pdf
meviyのデジタルマニュファクチャリングシステム https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/ja-jp/pages/dx/factory/
meviy とは
meviy WEBサイト: https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
お客さまの声: https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/
※5 2023年3月時点
<English Follows>
meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform,
makes first public showcase of the “meviy Digital Manufacturing System”
– An innovation comparable to AI auto-quoting, enabling unmanned production for reliable and quick delivery –
On November 27th, meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform powered by MISUMI Group Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono) will unveil its Digital Manufacturing System, which supports their reliable and quick delivery, on a dedicated website.
meviy itself has received the "Prime Minister's Prize," the highest honor at the "9th Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards" (January 2023)*1. meviy Digital Manufacturing System, which supports its manufacturing, realizes unmanned production in "variable mix and quantity manufacturing”*2 – it is a patented, unparalleled form of digitally transformed Monozukuri (manufacturing). We will continue to provide time value to our global Industrial Automation (IA) customers and help them improve their productivity by enhancing our services.
*1 Press release (in Japanese): meviy received the "Prime Minister's Prize" at the 9th Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards (January 18, 2023)
*2 The production system that flexibly responds to individual requirements for small to large quantities and a wide variety of shapes to be produced.
MISUMI meviy official YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/xhzITpO-jDQ?si=rVrX1uHbWTbJxFSF
The MISUMI Group has built and operated the “MISUMI Production System”*3 to produce 80 sextillion (80 billion times 1 trillion) product variations and achieve short delivery lead time. For these efforts, the company received the "Monozukuri Process Innovation Award" at the 2014 JMA GOOD FACTORY Awards (July 2014). 4 “meviy Digital Manufacturing System” to unveil this time is an unmanned, in-house developed production system based on the MISUMI Production System using highly sophisticated technology, realizing short delivery time in "variable mix and quantity" production. It has also allowed us to further reduce delivery lead times and costs through digital evolution, as well as improve the quality of products manufactured at meviy.
While Japan's manufacturing industry is still highly competitive internationally, it faces the structural social problem of labor shortages, and major labor productivity issues remain. In response to this situation, we will build a unique production model by leveraging digital transformation. We believe this will lead to solving social issues and maximizing Customer’s Time Value, and we will continue to evolve in the future.
*3 The "MISUMI Production System”
Even in a situation where we do not know what kind of products will be ordered, when, and in what quantities, the standard delivery lead time is 2 days from order placement, with an on-time delivery rate of 99.96%. Please see below for details on the MISUMI Production System that supports our reliable and quick delivery.
MISUMI Corporate Site > Manufacturing Business https://www.misumi.co.jp/english/about/business.html
*4 Press Release "SURUGA Production Platform JMA GOOD FACTORY (July 31, 2014)
meviy Digital Manufacturing System and how it works
For more information, visit the dedicated website below.
▼meviy Digital Manufacturing System (In Japanese)
About meviy
With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D CAD model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and our digital manufacturing system enables an order to be shipped in as little as one day. meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in parts procurement by reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%. meviy received the Prime Minister's Prize at the Ninth Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards, achieved the No. 1 market share in Japan for three consecutive years, and is highly regarded for its contributions to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry. For our global customers, the range of services on each meviy website is expanding. meviy delivers "time value" to customers worldwide through digital transformation in component procurement.
meviy website (in Japanese) https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
Customer testimonials (in Japanese) https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/
MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 320,000 companies*3 worldwide.
We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products. With this unique business model, supported by a solidbusiness base, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable on-time delivery" for greater customer convenience. *3As of March 2023
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